Distribution systems
We assist our clients in creating and developing safe distribution models:
We will advise you on which distribution system to choose and how to build your relationships with other counterparties taking into account their respective market positions.
Merger control
We will verify whether or not an intended transaction is subject to the requirement of notification to the President of the UOKiK or the European Commission. We will prepare the relevant submission documents and represent you in the course of merger proceedings.
Anti-competitive agreements
Every agreement between undertaking can give rise to legal risks. Furthermore, the scale of the risk is even higher if the agreement is concluded between competitors. Therefore, before signing a contract – consult it with a lawyer.
Monopolies and dominant undertakings
Companies with a strong market position – particularly dominant entities – are subject to multiple legal restrictions. These obstacles need not, however, lead to business limitations or prohibitions. We will advise you on how to create a rebate system or distribution policy without violating any rules of competition law.
Information exchange
Exchanging sensitive information – particularly among competitors – can give rise to legal risks. What information is deemed sensitive? Whom can I send information to (and to whom not)? Does the purpose of information gathering matter? Does transferring historical data entail risks? We have the answers to these (and other) questions.
Unfair competition
A (former) employee discloses trade secrets or violates a non-compete clause? A competitor imitates your goods or carries out an unfair advertising campaign? Another company limits your development or your access to the market? These can be remedied – and we know how to do it.
Audits and compliance
We are in a position to evaluate current or planned activities for legal risks. We will develop a compliance program and help you implement it.